Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Christmas Surprise

As December was approaching I began to do some research regarding where I would spend my holidays. Sarah and I would be allowed around 17 days off work, and as most of the islands in the south were only an overnight bus trip away....I decided that I would like to find a quiet little island for some serious relaxation time. Years ago I had seen the quintessential film about Thailand, "Beach" with Leonardo DiCaprio, and the scenes set in the party beaches like Puket had disgusted and horrified me so deeply that I questioned ever visiting Thailand at all. I had visited Phi Phi island last year with Rafael, and it was a seriously over-populated, over-crowded, over-developed and over-priced horrid place....sure the scenery was fantastic...but there was just too much going on there for me to enjoy it at all. We only managed to salvage a few days of enjoyment by heading over to the underdeveloped side of the island and staying in a place meant for couples with children! I certainly did not want to end up in such a crazy place again, so I started to look for something a little less developed.
After scouring the internet, I think I finally found the kind of place I was looking for: an island with only one place to stay (provided through the Forestry Department) with only one restaurant. The place seemed like it would be a bit rough, but with coral reefs right off the beach for snorkeling, and jungles with waterfalls for seemed like the perfect kind of place for me to spend a little time by myself! Sarah was planning on going to Ko Samui, one of the more developed islands and was trying to talk me into going with her...but I know that she and I were looking for entirely different things out of our vacations, so I politely declined.
After I finally made my decision about where I wanted to go, I ended up calling my mother and started to speak to her about my upcoming plans. This conversation was a real shock for me. It was the first time that I had ever heard my mother so down about her health. I did not realize to what extent her heath had gone down hill since our vacation to Alaska a few months prior. I was gushing on about the island I had picked out, and when my mother spoke to me about the current state of her health...and having to cancel her trip to Arizona for the winter I suddenly realized that her time in this body is coming to an end.
I got off the phone and immediately called Rafael to discuss my shock at hearing her so down...and we both came to the same conclusion...I should spend my upcoming holidays with my mother...not with some tropical fish. I called my father and discussed my thoughts with him and within a half an hour we had a confirmed plan to surprise my mother for Christmas.
On my last day of work I ended up speaking to my mother on the phone. She asked me if my vacation was starting the next day...and I told her that on Monday the 22nd I would be traveling to my vacation spot. My mother made me promise to call her while I was away...and I agreed.
Monday the 22nd morning I began my journey to Ohio. after a mere 16 hours in the air my father picked me up at the airport in Detroit. On the way home my mother called him to tell him that at her Chemo session they decided that she needed to have 2 blood transfusions because her blood work was not very good. This was the first time that this had happened...not a very good sign. It turns out that she would not be home when I I would have to wait until later to surprise her. She had planned to go to Costco to make some arrangements for my father's upcoming 70th birthday party that was to take place on the 27th of Dec. She arrived home cranky and exhausted at approximately 5pm, having spent 7 hours at the hospital. My father tried to get her to give up the idea of heading to Costco, but she would not relent. She went in the bedroom to change and freshen up and I waited in the hallway for her to come out. When she finally emerged my father tried to stop her in the kitchen and said to her "I know that you said that we wouldn't exchange gifts this Christmas, but I got you something anyway." My mother was tired and cranky and snapped "I hope not. I don't want it"....and my father had to plead with her...just turn around. Mom turned around and there I was standing in the kitchen.
I don't know...I expected my mother to be really happy to see me, be totally surprised, kind of freak out and cry a little...but she was just too exhausted for this kind of reaction. She just hugged me and simply said "I'm sorry I ruined your vacation".
We continued on to Costco and my mother, the most fit 68 year old woman I have ever seen...had to use an electric cart to get around in the store. It was, to say the least, very sad to see her in such a weak state that she couldn't even walk around the store. We did everything we needed to do, got some dinner to go and headed back home.
Upon our arrival, Mom's car was not in the garage. She kept asking my father where the car was...and as he did not seem panicked about it, I assumed he had some other surprise in store for her. He told her that his business partner, Charles, had taken the car to "put something on it", and she quieted down about it. After we finished our meal we heard the garage door go up and the laundry door open and in walked my brother Ryan, who had flown in from Arizona, with a ceremonial "what's up?". Even I didn't know that he was coming, and my mother hugged him with a touch of sadness, sensing that if we had both come to see her...that the reality of her dire circumstance had to sink in. It was a bit depressing for her I think, looking back on it. She was forced to admit that this probably was the last time that we would all be together as a family.
This has been really difficult for me to get down, so I will have to continue it later.

1 comment:

SolarSoda said...

Okay. Now I understand. This is not only a shocker for me but also a wake-up call, as I haven't seen my own mother in 3 1/2 years ... I may as well be living in India myself as far as she's concerned. We talk on the phone often, there's no hard feelings or anything, but ... ah, anyway, now I REALLY wish I was in Toledo!!!!!!!!